Sharing your Time, Talent & Treasure is a integral part of being Catholic, sharing the gifts God gave specifically to you! Interested in sharing of your time & talents with our parishioners? Please consider getting involved! The Church needs you!
Below is a list of current Ministries - please click the link to learn more. If you don't see what you are seeking, there maybe an opportunity to start something new!
(More info coming soon!)
Prayer and Worship
Extraordinary Minister of Communion
Altar Servers/Sacristan
Cross Bearer
Children's Liturgy of the Word Team
Prayer Group
Funeral Ministry
Music Ministry
Adult Choir
Contemporary Ensemble
Resurrection Choir (for funerals)
Faith Formation/Youth Ministry
Substitute Catechist
Catechist Aide
Office Helper
Rite Of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Baptismal Preparation
Marriage Preparation
Christian Service
Human Services Committee
Visitations; Hospital, Nursing Homes & Housebound
Ministry to Bereaved: Support Group & Funeral Planning
Food Pantry
Altar Care
Bishop Appeal
Senior Citizens
Sacrificial Sharing
Christmas Gift Program
Parish Council
Financial Stewardship Committee
Buildings & Grounds Committee
Coffee Hour
Parish Nurse
Social Activities Committee